Oh My Design. A planner with aesthetic sense.

Oh My Design. A planner with aesthetic sense.

Oh My Design is a personal site for Japanese graphic and web designer, Akiyoshi Ishigami. Well, it might be quite a weird name for website, if I’m honest. But it does seem to reflect the eccentric style of the overall design.

From floating castle to the camera-headed women

The website combines two kinds of art movements from roughly the same period; dadaism and surrealism. From floating castle to the camera-headed women, the Oh My Design website promises a sense of curiosity that makes you want to find out what’s going on with all the things you see.

oh my design

“As quoted by renowned Italian designer Bruno Munari “Designer is a planner with aesthetic sense,” I believe a true designer is someone who can come up with innovative and artistic ideas for solution. The very solution has to be effective, functional, and made sense to those who use service.”

Project: Oh My Design
Web design by: Akiyoshi Ishigami
Country: Tokyo, Japan

Just to keep you updated…

  1. WhatsApp gets material design makeover
  2. Olszanska, a website that causes you into another world of dreams

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