Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn’t Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn’t Limit Creativity

Imagine 10 years from now, the world you live in had become entirely green. Where you drive cars fueled by the sun, wearing a pair of sunglasses made of recycled aluminium, travelling through skyscrapers with grasses growing on them. This whole idea of organic, sustainable environment is good (in fact, it’s the only way towards future), but some might argue it’s a bit … boring. I can understand that, but I’m not worried anymore (about the future of sustainable design) when I stumbled on the Molly Muriel

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel

Nope, it’s not a new type of green car, or a pair of shades. Molly Muriel is actually an apothecary (or pharmacist) in Portland Oregon which born with a vision of being extremely environmental conscious. They are basically artisans who craft each soaps, candles, and perfumes by hand using only natural ingredients and pure essential oils. Anyway, the most important thing is, even though they are pursuing for the sake of sustainability, they still managed to come up with such beautiful, not-boring-at-all packaging design.

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Sustainability doesn’t limit our creativity

Yup, sustainability only limits us the choice of materials, but it doesn’t limit our creativity and imagination. Same as the products they make, Molly Muriel also uses recycled screen-printed kraft paper for packaging and labels redesigned by Relevant Studios. Well, when I say ‘redesign’, I mean Branda Tiffany (founder of Molly Muriel) wanted a new identity for her brand that would set up for future success with her ever expanding product range over the past decade.

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Relevant Studios replaces the old serif logotype with a new custom typeface to reveal more on the feminine side of Molly Muriel. And to make sure you enjoy the full product experience, a new range of relaxing and vibrant color palette is applied on the packaging labels to stimulate your senses.

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

There’s power in a name

Obviously, having designed a range of beautiful packaging isn’t Relevant Studios‘s way of saying “job well done”. So they move on, and decide to rename all the products in Molly Muriel.

There’s power in a name. We worked with the owner to rename all the products in a way that would make the product more compelling and give some emotive quality to each one. Names changed from “Lavender Eucalyptus” to Perfect Harmony, from “Tea Tree & Lava” to Volcanic Bliss, from “Oatmeal Mint” to Rise & Shine, and so on.”

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

Molly Muriel, Sustainability doesn't Limit Creativity

What can you get from this?

Sustainability doesn’t limit creativity. I mean not just sustainability that brings a bit of an obstacles to your work, clients’ requirements can be said too. Requirements and rules only limit the external or physical matters, like choice colors, or to meet certain regulations, but it doesn’t limit your creativity. You can still free to use your imagination. Sometime, limitation can save your time by giving you a place to start, so you don’t need to waste time looking at a blank sheet of paper. Anyway, if you do get stuck, or want to look for more inspiration, here is the one I got for you – Some of the Most Creative Sustainable Packaging Designs. Enjoy.


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