Mirumee. Attention-to-detail is the key to aesthetic.

Mirumee. Attention-to-detail is the key to aesthetic.

Based in Poland, Mirumee is a software company that builds better web apps with a philosophy of contributing as much as possible to opensource. That’s all very good, but nothing can compare with the sheer creativity and attention-to-detail website which they’ve developed themselves.

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Mirumee builds apps, websites, and also icons, so you’ll be able to see a bunch of detailed, hand-drawn illustrations all over the web design.


“We love opensource. Our philosophy is to not only draw from opensource but also contribute as much as possible.”

Project: Mirumee Software
Web design by: themselves
Counrty: Wroclaw, Poland

Just to keep you updated…

  1. How to design websites that mirror how our eyes work
  2. Lowdi, a website that redefines grid and retro design 

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