“Klässbol is a company and a factory with huge possibilties. By lifting their many qualities they can reach out to a wider target group and be present in more Swedish homes.”
“Klässbols linen factory is a family owned company established year 1920 by Hjalmar Johansson and is still owned by the same family that started it. Klässbols has a long and genuine history and is one of the few linen factories that still exists in Sweden. From the start the nature material linen has been the raw material that took the company to the position they at are today. They make honorable products for embassies, the nobel prize dinner and the royal family and are experts at small client-specific work. They are purveyors to the swedish royal family since 1993 and delivered table cloths and napkins to the Nobel Prize dinner since that year. They’ve always been environmentally careful which comes natural thanks to material they use. “
“All their products are made in a small county with the same name, Klässbol located in Värmland, Sweden. For Klässbols linen factory the design and their designers is very important and therefor they have a “stable” of designers. They want to be present in all rooms in a home and makes products such as towels, runners, cushion covers, kimonos, jackets and pants.”
Project: Klassbols Linen Factory
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