Kinetic. A web design that no one has ever created.

Kinetic. A web design that no one has ever created.

“Kinetic energy is energy in motion. A bullet moves at a high speed, and we say it has great kinetic energy, and can do work on anything it hits.” Well, it’s not exactly a scientific explanation, because that’s the philosophy (sort of) behind the creative agency in Singapore, and they’re called, guess what, the Kinetic.

Kinetic energy is energy in motion

The website (developed by Kinetic themselves) is constantly animated (or in motion) with all kinds of eccentric and slightly-terrifying-like drawings. Well, I’m not entirely sure about the purpose of all these stuffs. Because it does looks like a mad scientist’s notebook where he keeps all his discoveries and inventions (just like Leonardo da Vinci’s, only less serious).

But amazingly (as I fool around the site for quite a while), the Kinetic does seemed to have their purpose; to show off their wild creativity and their madness approach to daily works. This site really tells the whole story from (surprisingly) the very existence of life on earth to wherever they are now at Kinetic in a humorous and scientific way. And I’m sure no one has ever done anything like that.


“Kinetic is a creative agency based in Singapore. They say there is a method to our madness. But then again, they say a lot of shit these days.”

Project: Kinetic
Web design by: themselves
Country: Singapore

Just to keep you updated…

  1. 11 elements of a about page that stands out from the rest
  2. Olszanska, a web design that will cause you into a dream

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