Copa Vida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

Copa Vida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

“By the time it reaches your cup, the coffee bean has been picked, washed, sorted, pulped, dried, bagged, auctioned, shipped, roasted, packaged, delivered, measured, brewed then served. Tea is just as complicated and even more time consuming. Because we are the final leg of a long relay to your cup, we consider ourselves Stewards of this process, and we take our role very seriously.”

Copa Vida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

Copa Vida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

Copa Vida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

“We approach our brew and steep process with scientific accuracy in measurement and artistic creativity in delivery. We take great pride and responsibility in cupping and tasting all of our products to determine whether it meets our standards for quality. If you don’t like it, we’ll work with you to fix it. We program and formulate each tea and coffee to optimize its flavor profile and to bring to the cup a drink that also honors and represents all those who worked on it before us. We take the same approach to our food menu. The bread is baked in-house and the menu is kept simple and short so that we are able to fully control and oversee the quality of the dishes.”

Copa Vida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

Copa Vida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

CopaVida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

CopaVida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

CopaVida. Perfected before it reaches your cup.

Project: Copa Vida
Branding by: Farm Design

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