Whether this is the first time you’ve ever heard of it, or perhaps you’ve already owned one, the Bellroy will be the wallet the you’ve been always dreaming about. Because this Australian wallet maker was born with one simple mission – to trim the massive, heavy bulk at the back your denim jeans. For them, slimming your wallet is an obsession. But above that, Bellroy also offers uncompromising functionality, elegant design, with high quality materials.
“… uncompromising functionality, elegant design, with high quality materials.”
“… slimming your wallet is Bellroy’s obsession.”
As wise as an owl
Right, we’ve established that Bellroy is the manufacturer of dream wallets. Then I guess you’ll be more interested about the mysterious looking owl logo (this is a design blog anyway). Well, if I’m honest, Bellroy themselves didn’t even mention that on their site or anywhere else. So it took me quite some time to Google before I end up at an interesting interview between the people behind Bellroy and Straatosphere (a media publisher in Singapore). Where I found one of the conversation said “We’ve always been curious though, why an owl as your logo? There’s the element of owls being wise, and one of the major things we noticed is that owls can be found in every continent around the world. We kinda see ourselves in that light and hey, owls are cool and everyone loves them.”
“… hey, owls are cool and everyone loves them.”
Though the owl (designed by Jimmy Gleeson) might not be directly related to any sort of history or any family crest, but somehow it fits effortlessly right into the brand. So there you go, a wallet as smart and elegant as an owl. And the best part is, it can go through any winter, and any deserts without any problem. Again, just like an owl.
“Grown organically from an idea over beers and ideas with a few close frrends, Bellroy has now grown to a leading innovator in the global carry world.”
Project: Bellroy
Branding by: Jimmy Gleeson
Place: Australia